Tuesday 20 July 2010

How Not to be a House Guest

I've found out that I am rated as one of the not so good house guests, since I don't: a. wash the dishes, b. vacuum, c. get up at the right time, d. make the bed properly, e. hesitate to ask for coffee when I get up, f. mind tieing up their computer line to read my email, and what else? I usually don't leave presents, and was stunned to find that my paying guests do. Received from guests have been: a box of wild salmon from Alaska, a naked lady plant bulb, three dragon flies on long wires to stick into the planter, a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of Spanish wine, an aloe plant of enormous proportions, an invitation to dinner, and a book called Small Island by Andrea Levy.

Ok, then I'll work on it and not rely of my prompt thank you notes to carry the day.

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